Fresh Fruit with lime and mint

This is most likely the easiest starter with thew greatest response you will ever serve. The key to success is fresh. Fresh fruit, fresh mint and fresh lime juice and you have a hit.
Take the time to cut this starter fresh each time it is served. When you pick your pineapple a couple of things to look for will assure you get a good one every time. Look at the overall color, it should still be green but some beginnings of golden in each of the rind diamonds. Smell the fruit, it should be sweet without be overtly pineapple fragrant, too much pineapple smell will mean it has already reached ripe. Look at the bottom core it should not be black and blue in color but tans and yellows and should not be over pineapple smell. Lastly reach into the center of the crown, the leafy top and pull lightly one of the center leaves. It should release and come out with very little effort but should not just fall out. If the leaf needs a substantial tug it is not ready, if it falls out it is over ripe.
With the papaya if you are buying mirador papaya it should be evenly green, smooth and unblemished skin and should just beginning to become gold nearer the bottom of the fruit. Many papaya will turn completely yellow when fully ripe however the industry continues to send early the fruit to our stores so often too much yellow/gold is over ripe. The softness will yeld to gentle pressure without indenting and should come back to light firm. You will not be able to smell the fruit and shaking will tell you nothing.
Both pineapple and papaya should be stored out of the refrigerator until ripe however once ripe the can slow further ripening for 3-4 days by putting them into the fridge.
1/3 cup diced fresh pineapple per serving
1/3 cup diced fresh papaya per serving
1/3 cup halved strawberries per serving
3 Limes juiced
Pure Organic maple syrup use equal amount as juice
1-2 Tbsp. Fresh mint fine chopped
The full fruit will yeld 10-12 servings along with a pint of strawberries.
Cut away the rind from the pineapple, core and dice into 1” cubes. Remove the skin from the papaya, scoop out the seeds and dice into 1” cubes.
Remove the tops from the strawberries and half or quarter each berry depending on its size.
Juice the limes into a measuring cup. Add an equal amount of maple syrup to the lime juice. Finely chop the fresh mint leaves and add to the liquids. Using wooden spoon or drink muddler press the mint in the liquids helping to release its flavor into the juice. Mix completely Gently mix the fruits together using your hands so as not to bruise or crush the fruit, pour the juice mixture over the fruit.
Using your hands or a large slotted spoon fill small fruit bowls or trifle bowls for serving.
Serves 10-12
Calories: 60
Carbs: 18g
Protein: 1g
Sugars: 15g
Fats: .28g
25 minutes
No cook time