Low Country Shrimp and Grits

Low Country Shrimp and Grits refers to coastal Carolina's and Georgia. Not as heat spicy as Louisiana or Cajun shrimp and grits this flavorful breakfasts original is a favorite at the Bed and Breakfast. Simple to prep and easy to assemble it is only the timing tricky to have everything done at the same time.
Once you have diced your celery and shallots, thawed the shrimp and covered each with half the oil and spice marinade you are ready to go. We serve this dish with candied chicken bacon that we have baked and finish just before serving. Now lets get our "mise en place", a French cooking term of getting everything cut, measured, and ready to assemble. You should have small prep bowls filled with broth, white wine, lime juice and butter pats and a 2-Tbsp. measure. Lets do this!
2 large eggs, per serving (carefully broken into prep bowls & kept in refrigerator)
6 large frozen shrimp, per serving, deveined with peel and tail (thaw shrimp in cool running water, remove shell and tails)
Quaker Old Fashion Grits, regular white
2 stalks celery per serving
1/2 small shallot diced per serving
8 oz. extra sharp aged white cheddar, grated (per 4 servings)
1 Tbs. EVOO per serving
6-8 green onions, diced greens for 6-8 servings
3/4 cup EVOO
3 Tbsp. sweet paprika (smoked may replace sweet)
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1/2 tsp. ground coriander
1/2 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
NOTE: the following held in prep bowls and added during saute of vegetables and shrimp
3/4 cup chicken broth, room temperature, in prep bowl
3/4 cup dry white wine, room temperature, in prep bowl
Juice of 1-2 limes, room temperature, in prep bowl
1 Tbs. unsalted butter per serving, room temperature, in prep bowl
Preheat oven 400°
Bake the Chicken or Turkey Bacon
Using a lined sided cookie sheet place parchment paper on sheet and arrange the bacon in a single layer carefully not to overlap the strips
Bake for 20 minutes. Remove and wrap bacon tightly in heavy duty aluminum foil. If you have two ovens place in a warming setting (165°)until needed.
Set Oven to Low Broil move rack down to below center of the oven.
Candied Bacon in the final 3 minutes.
Place bacon on a clean parchment sheet and on the sided cookie sheet in a single layer brush each strip with maple syrup and sprinkle lightly each with dark brown sugar. After dropping eggs and beginning the shrimp saute'. Place bacon on the lower rack under the broiler on low heat. NOTE: Be sure to watch the bacon so as not to catch fire or over cook.
White Grits
Following the box instructions: per serving instructions do not cook using water as instructed.
Divide the liquid amounts in half, using half chicken broth and half whole milk. add the correct amount of salt per instructions.
After the grits are cooked but remaining still creamy add the grated extra sharp aged white cheddar cheese to the grits and incorporate completely. Hold on low.
NOTE: if the grits become too dry add a small amount of hot milk to soften.
Cover and remove Grits from heat keeping warm until needed.
Rustic chop the celery and shallots place the vegetables in a small prep bowl.
NOTE: buy frozen shrimp raw & deveined with shell and tail on.
Thaw the frozen shrimp in a colander under cool running water. Peel shell and tail the shrimp, rinse and dry the shrimp and place in a prep bowl.
Mix the EVOO marinade whisking the dry ingredients together and adding to the EVOO. Mix well.
Pour half of the marinade over the shrimp and remain over the diced celery & shallots. Mix covering each well.
Place shrimp in the refrigerator until needed. The celery and shallots can remain out of the refrigerator.
Poached Eggs three minutes at a full boil (NOTE: cooking the shrimp and finishing the candied bacon also needs 3 minutes to compete)
Break 2 eggs per serving into small prep bowls (break eggs cold, keeping the eggs in the prep bowls and in the refrigerator allow your eggs to poach and have wet yokes , if you want your eggs solid when poached allow the eggs to reach room temperature before poaching)
Fill 3/4 the way with water a 3-4 quart wide curved bottom saucepan, high sided French skillet or best a "Chefs" pan heat water to a rolling boil, add to water 3 Tbs. white vinegar. Tightly cover pan and maintain the heat.
Once the water is fully boiling, gently, at waters edge, pour from prep bowl the eggs each pair separately into the water, cover tightly and cook on a heavy boil for 3 minutes. Use a large slotted spoon the remove eggs.
Sauté vegetables and shrimp
In a 10" nonstick skillet, add 1 Tbs. EVOO and over medium high heat oil then add marinaded celery and shallots (a large serving spoon of the vegetables per serving)
Sauté for 3-5 minutes then add 2 Tbs. broth (per serving) 2 Tbs. wine (per serving) to the skillet continuing to heat of medium high heat for an additional 2-3 minutes.
At the three minute starting eggs and bacon mark add marinaded shrimp to the skillet add 1 Tbs. butter per serving, tbsp. lime juice (per skillet regardless of serving numbers)
Cook shrimp 4 minutes total, 2 minutes on each side or until slightly pink be careful to not overcook.
Drop eggs at the same time and cook for 3 minutes, on lower rack broil on low "maple bacon" for 3 minutes.
During 3 minutes: scoop 10-12 oz. cooked grits into a soup/salad bowl, once cooked place two drained poached eggs along the inside edge of the bowl and add a portion of shrimp, vegetable mixture along with the liquids next to the eggs allowing liquids to encircle the grits.
Sprinkle with green onion.
Serve on a dinner plate a cereal bowl with shrimp and grits placed onto the plate and along side the 3 piece of Candied chicken bacon.
Serves up to 6 portions per 12" skillet saute
Calories: 535
Carbs: 34g
Protein: 20g
Sugars: 1g
Fats: 32g
45 minutes
35 total minutes