Maple Mint Lime Fresh Citrus

This is most likely the easiest starter with the greatest response you will ever serve. The key to success is fresh. Fresh fruit, fresh mint and fresh lime juice and you have a hit.
Take the time to cut this starter fresh each time it is served. You may use any citrus available to you. You want to stay away from "juice fruit" it tends to be unstable for segmenting. Blood oranges can be used is handled gently.
2 Cara Cara oranges per serving
1 Red grapefruit per serving
3 Limes juiced
Pure Organic maple syrup use equal amount as juice
1-2 Tbsp. Fresh mint fine chopped
Cut away the rind from the citrus, removing the skin as well as the mesocarp (the fleshy white under skin) and the endocarp (the thin membrane next to the segments). Really fancy citrus are cut into “supreme”where all of the walls between segments and the center column are carefully cut away and removed. This is a quick way to achieve great looking segments.
Cut in the center between each wall leaving a single wall inside of the newly created segments. Then trim off the central column edge from the inside of each piece. The fruit noted seldom ever has seeds; remove any seeds at this time.
Juice the limes into a measuring cup. Add an equal amount of maple syrup to the lime juice. Finely chop the fresh mint leaves and add to the liquids. Using wooden spoon or drink muddler press the mint in the liquids helping to release its flavor into the juice. Mix completely
Gently toss the fruit together using your hands so as not to bruise or crush the fruit, pour the juice mixture over the fruit. Using your hands or a large slotted spoon fill small fruit bowls or trifle bowls for serving.
Juice Serves 12
Calories: 143
Carbs: 36g
Protein: 2g
Sugars: 27g
Fats: .17g
35 minutes
No cook time